Sub-Processor List

This is a list of Sub-processors we use to process your data when you use AgriWebb.

AppcuesIn app help messages and tours for user onboarding.
Auth0Currently only used for server to server connections. Not currently used for customer authentication.
AWSAll record keeping is stored in relational databases and servers are used to process the information.
ChargeBeeSubscription management system.
CalendlyUsed to schedule product Demos and product sessions with customers.
DatadogTracks request data, performance metrics.
GocardlessDirect Debit processing.
Google AnalyticsWebsite Analytics.
HotjarCustomer Engagement, Chat support.
HubSpotCustomer relationship management, marketing and communication tool.
IntercomCustomer support tool
MixpanelAnalytics on customer usage and experience.
RaygunProduct error and performance tracking.
SalesforceSales and account management
ScaleGridProduction database to provide AgriWebb services.
SegmentConnect analytics between different 3rd party tools.
SlackGroup chat service. Provides notifications and information on recently acquired and churned customers.
SnowflakeData warehouse for analytics
StripeCredit card processing.
XeroInvoices, subscription details.

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